"The day I decided to steal a dog is the same day my best friend, ____________ found out I lived in a car." Who is her best friend? Luanne Godfrey
Georgina is desperate to help her mother with money what gives her the idea to steal a dog? a reward poster for a lost dog
What make of car does Georgina live in? Chevrolet
What color or colors is the dog Georgina steals? black and white
Georgina has to wash her hair at a gas station. What is the name of the gs station? Texaco
What is Georgina's first rule for finding a dog to steal? not bark too much
What is the name of the dog Georgina steals? Willy
What did Georgina do with Willy's collar? She threw it in the bushes
How did Carmella decide to get money for a reward for her dog? borrow from her sister
What is the name of the homeless man? Mookie
What did Georgina tell Mookie about why the dog was at the old house? The new landlord wouldn't let her keep him ate the apartment
What did Georgina find next to her car on the day it started to run? a shiny quarter and/or bicycle tire tracks
What is the complete title of Crossing Bok Chitto? Crossing Bok Chitto: A
Choctaw Tale of Friendship & Freedom
Who wrote Crossing Bok Chitto? Tim Tingle
Through what major river does Bok Chitto cut through? Missisippi River
Why did Martha Tom cross Bok Chitto? to find blackberries
What book is this line from, "We are bound for the promised land!"? Crossing Bok Chitto
In the story Crossing Bok Chitto, why did Martha Tom have the appearance she was walking on water? she was stepping on a stone path just below the water
In the book Crossing Bok Chitto, what happened that persuaded Little Mo's family to cross the river? His mother had been sold
In the book Crossing Bok Chitto, what language it Bok Chitto? Choctaw
In the story Crossing Bok Chitto, who led Martha Tom back to the river when she was lost? Little Mo
In the story Crossing Bok Chitto, what is Little Mo's real name? Moses
In the book Team Moon, what are the four words radioed by Neil Armstrong as he and Buzz Aldrin flew 69 miles above the moon? "The Eagle has wings!"
In the book Team Moon, what is the name of the command module? Columbia
In the book Team Moon, how many people did it take to land Apollo on the moon? 400,000
In the book Team Moon, name the three astronauts that went to the moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins
In the book Team Moon, name the president whose whose goal it was to put a man on the moon. President John F. Kennedy
In the book Team Moon, who were the first in space, and to send a man in space? Soviet Union
In the book Team Moon, what was the name the crew gave the lunar module that landed on the moon? the eagle
In the book Tall Tales, what grade is Meg in? 6th
In the book Tall Tales, who is Meg doing her 'Great Faces' project on? Eleanor Roosevelt
In the what two books do characters name Grace appear? Tall Tales and Just Grace
In the book Tall Tales, what is Meg's favorite cookie? Oreo
In the book Tall Tales, who told Meg "You have to choose your destiny"? Aunt Jane
In the book Tall Tales, what did Meg supposedly almost die of? meningitis
In the book Tall Tales, what are the names of the characters in the story Meg is writing with her friend? Samantha and Emily
In the book Tall Tales, where did Meg say she lived before Michigan? Tasmania
What book is this line from, "It's easy making these things up, too easy. Then I'm stuck with them"? Tall Tales
Who wrote Tall Tales? Karen Day
In the book This is Just to Say, what fruit is eaten that was in the ice box? plums
What is the full title of the book This Is Just to Say? This Is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness
Who wrote This is Just to Say? Joyce Sidman
In the book This is Just to Say, what is the name of the teacher who assigned the poems? Mrs. Merz
Who wrote the poem that inspired the book, This is Just to Say? William Carlos William
In the book This is Just to Say, Mrs. Merz changed her dress from green to what color? blue
In the book This is Just to Say, what did Mrs. Merz apologize to her mother for? breaking the glass deer
In the book This is Just to Say, where did Lamar hide his secret message to his brother? under the seat in his car
In the book This is Just to Say, what was stolen from Mrs. Merz's classroom? the lizard or money
In the book This is Just to Say, who is the statue in the school of? Florence P.Scribner
In the book This is Just to Say,what is Mrs. Merz's first name? Ruth
In the book, Toys Go Out, for how many days Lumphy not talk to StingRay? 6
In the book, Toys Go Out, who does StingRay get Lumphy to start talking to him? StingRay tells Lumphy that they he has a plan to gt him on the bed
In the book, Toys Go Out, what idea of Plastics works to get Lumphy on the bed? subliminal (submarine) messages
In the book, Toys Go Out, what song does Lumphy want to sing when he is on the bed? Camp Town Races
In the book, Toys Go Out, what game does Lumphy want to play when he is on the bed? I Spy
In the book, Toys Go Out, what is meant by the "tough-buffalo fashion"? a buffalo with no tail
In the book, Toys Go Out, at what time does the Little Girl go to bed? 8
In the book, Toys Go Out, what is StingRay's favorite color? blue
In the book, Toys Go Out, what age was the Little Girl when she got StingRay? 4
In the book, Toys Go Out, how does TukTuk end up at the birthday party? she is the tablecloth
In the book, Toys Go Out, what age is considered old? 8
In the book, Toys Go Out, what does the inside of the backpack smell like? A wet bathing suit
In the book, Toys Go Out, what is their first outing? Show-and-tell
In the book, Toys Go Out, who is TukTuk? The yellow towel
In the book, Toys Go Out, where does TukTuk live? In the bathroom
In the book, Toys Go Out, what color is plastic? Red
In the book, Toys Go Out, who tells Plastic the truth about being a ball? TukTuk
In the book, Toys Go Out, why does Lumphy hide in the closet? He doesn’t want to get washed in the washing machine
In the book, Toys Go Out, how was Lumphy able to get himself out of the shoe? The one-eared sheep chewed up the shoelace which in turn opened up the shoe
In the book, Toys Go Out, who does the Little Girl sleep with? Lumphy
In the book, Toys Go Out, what is Lumphy? A buffalo
In the book, Toys Go Out, what was Lumphy’s fear? the washing machine
In the book, Toys Go Out, what does Frank compare the wash cycle to? A dance
In the book, Toys Go Out, what gets Lumphy dirty on the second picnic? Apricot jam
In the book, Toys Go Out, what why was Stingray jelous of Plastic? The Little Girl didn’t take him to the beach
In the book, Toys Go Out, what game is played at the beach? Keep Away
What is the full title of Toys Go Out? Toys Go Out: Being the Adventures of a Knowledgeable StingRay, a Toughy Little Buffalo, and Someone Called Plastic
In Toys Go Out, who is the sinker, and who is the floater? StingRay and Plastic
What did Mr. O'Grady find when he dug deeper? a pot
What fell into the O'Grady's pot first? a hairpin
How many potatoes came out when they put 8 potatoes in the pot? 16
Name 6 objects that went into the O'Grady's pot...candle, gold coin, potato, hairpin, coat, blanket
Name the author of One Potato, Two Potato. Cynthia Defelice
Hugo Cabret's dad had a favorite movie. What is it's title? A Trip to the Moon
Who illustrated The Invention of Hugo Cabret? Brian Selznick
In the beginning of the story, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, what was Hugo caught stealing? a windup or toy mouse
In the story, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, how many clocks does Hugo attend to? 27
The Invention of Hugo Cabret takes place in what city? Paris
In the story, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, what could the automaton Hugo's father do that made it more complex and interesting? it could write
In Brian Selznick's book, what is a horolgist? A person; someone who makes or repairs watches or clocks; clock maker
In the story, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Hugo had aspired to be a clock maker, but after his father found the automaton he decided he want to what instead? a magician
In the story, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, the introduction is written by Professor Alcofrisbas. Who was he? Hugo Cabret
"Some are small and some quite wide. Gravity pulls all things inside." What am I? Black Hole
Who testified for Mattie? Sadie
What was the name of the man who stole Mattie's invention? Charles Annan
For how many years did Mattie work on her invention? 2 years
On her obituary, what name was Mattie referred to? "the Lady Edison"
People use Mattie's invention everyday. What is it? paper bags
What is Mattie's full name? Margaret E. Knight
In the book Way Down Deep, who is the founder of WDD? Archibald Ward
In what state does Way Down Deep take place? Virginia
In Way Down Deep, what did the town kids call the librarian, Mrs. Worly? Mrs. Wordy
In Way Down Deep, how did Ruby acquire her last name? She had been found in June so was named Ruby June
In Way Down Deep, what is Ruby"s pet? a goat
In Way Down Deep, what is Ruby's pets name? Jethro
In Way Down Deep, what does Ruby take to town when she does her errands? Radio flyer
In Way Down Deep, who is in love with Ruby? Reese Mullins
What is a radio flyer? wagon
In Way Down Deep, what is Cedar Reese diagnosed with? cussitis
Where does Gabriel's Horses take place? Kentucky
In Atherton: House of Power, name the three layers in order from top to bottom - Highlands, Tabletop, Flatlands
In Atherton: House of Power, specifically on Tabletop, what two types of animals needed tending? sheep and rabbits
In Atherton: House of Power, what type of grove did they have in Tabletop? fig
In Atherton: House of Power, what did Mr. Ratikan use to threaten people with? walking stick
In Atherton: House of Power, how old is Edgar? eleven
In Atherton: House of Power, who read the book for Edgar? Samuel
In Atherton: House of Power, name the three elders who control the Highlands - Lord Phineus, Sir Phillip, Sir Emerik
In Atherton: House of Power, who was Samuel's father? Sir William
In Atherton: House of Power, there is a single column of white carved stone in the Highlands, what is the carving of? Mead's head
In Atherton: House of Power, how did Samuel's father supposedly die? fell off the Highlands -cliff
In Atherton: House of Power, who wrote the book? Dr. Luther Kincaid
In Atherton: House of Power, how many days passed from between Edgar's and Samuel's first visit? seven
In Atherton: House of Power, what did Samuel do right before he was caught reading the book? tore a page out of the book and stuck it in Edgar's pocket
In Atherton: House of Power, what did Isabel use ito fire off n her slingshots? black figs
In Atherton: House of Power, what was in the fig pouch Edgar stole from Mr. Ratikan? orange dust
In Atherton: House of Power, whose hair was burned? Sir Emerick
In Atherton: House of Power, what did Edgar climb down to the Flatlands? he was told there was a second book in the Flatlands
In Atherton: House of Power, who stood watch for Edgar while he interrogated Sir Emerick? Maude and Briney
In Atherton: House of Power, who let Samuel out of the chamber? Horace
In Atherton: House of Power, what could kill you in the Flatlands? the Cleaners
In Atherton: House of Power, why is dark the best time to hunt Cleaners? they have trouble hearing, smelling, and feeling after dark
In Atherton: House of Power, name the other two villages in Tabletop - Village of Rabbits and Village of Sheep
In Atherton: House of Power,how did Sir Emerick get rid of Sir Philip? he pushed him off the cliff
In Atherton: House of Power, where did Edgar originally come from? the Dark Planet
In Atherton: House of Power, as a boy he was Max, what was he called later? Dr. Harding
In Atherton: House of Power,what was his dinner in the Flatlands called? Black and green
In Atherton: House of Power, what is the secret of Mead's head? it holds a secret passageway
In Atherton: House of Power, what was Dr. Harding's original intent for making the cleaners? to santize the underneath of Atherton
In Atherton: House of Power, the Dark Planet is Earth in what year? 2105
In Atherton: House of Power, Dr. Harding is said to have things in common with which scientist? Dr. Frankenstein
In Atherton: House of Power, Dr. Harding suffered from ornithophobia which is a fear of what? birds
In Atherton: House of Power, what was wrong with the fig tree after the third year? it became poisonous
Who wrote Atherton: House of Power? Patrick Carman
"The day I decided to steal a dog is the same day my best friend, ____________ found out I lived in a car." Who is her best friend? Luanne Godfrey
Georgina is desperate to help her mother with money what gives her the idea to steal a dog? a reward poster for a lost dog
What make of car does Georgina live in? Chevrolet
What color or colors is the dog Georgina steals? black and white
Georgina has to wash her hair at a gas station. What is the name of the gs station? Texaco
What is Georgina's first rule for finding a dog to steal? not bark too much
What is the name of the dog Georgina steals? Willy
What did Georgina do with Willy's collar? She threw it in the bushes
How did Carmella decide to get money for a reward for her dog? borrow from her sister
What is the name of the homeless man? Mookie
What did Georgina tell Mookie about why the dog was was at the old house? The new landlord wouldn't let her keep him ate the apartment
What did Georgina find next to her car on the day it started to run? a shiny quarter and/or bicycl tire tracks
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